Education Equality
Education has improoved tremendously over the past century, but there is still much to be done. Inequality between genders in specific parts of the world is a big problem. As 130 million girls across the world lack proper access to schooling. This is not as common in the US as it once was, but it is very common in the Middle East. There is still a problem in the US though. Not one school offers the same opportunites. In every state, inequity between wealthier and poorer school districts continue to exist. School districts do not have the money that is required to adequately teach students. Former Education Secretart Arne Duncan stated, "Our system does not distribute opportunity equitably." The problem is much of a schools funding is through local taxes, meaning the less income an area has, the poorer the school is, in vice versa. Federal and State governments need to chip in more to give the same educational opportunites to everyone.

Malala Fund
Education Inequality in America
Last Updated 4/7/21