My main goal for when I am a teacher is to see right before my eyes my students grow in learning. I want to make my future students excited to come to school and learn. Being a good teacher can have an impact on a child learning. If they do not like or feel uncomfortable with who is teaching them, then there is a better chance they will not retain the vital information that is given to them. I had a teacher in 5th grade that I disliked so much. I did not do very well in her class simply because she was not friendly to me. This of course made me not like her. I do not want to be that way towards my students. I want to have a connection with each of my students. I will take the time to get to know them as best as I can. Students feel more connected and comfortable this way. If possible, teachers need to figure out how each of their students learn, because everyone learns differently.

 Learning is such an important concept of life. Learning can open so many doors to ones future. Elementary Education shapes secondary learning and so on. I will absolutely go out of my way to make sure every child is doing the best that they can in my classroom. It is so important to me that their little minds take in this information. I know I will have awesome future students. One day they will change the world, just like I plan to.