Frequently Asked Questions

How are we ensured that important forms and documents are sent home with my child?
Everything that will need to be sent home is placed in your childs folder each day. At the end of each day we take the time to get their papers out of their folders and into their backpacks so they make it home to you. If you think you are not receiving important papers feel free to contact me and we can find out why they may not be getting home with their papers.

My child is used to eating lunch at a certain time, what time is their scheduled lunch?
Our lunch time is scheduled for 11:30 everyday.

Are spelling tests the same day of the week every week?
Spelling tests are typically every Thursday. If this changes I will put it in the announcements ahead of time so students know what to expect.

Can any parent chaperone field trips?
Yes, any parent can chaperone on field trips. We want any parent who wants to or is able to experience field trips with their child.

If there is an emergency who will contact us?
I keep all parent contact information in my classroom. Contact information is also available to the school nurse and found in the office. Whoever is able to notify you first willl.

If we have a question about homeowork may we contact you?
Yes, feel free to contact me anytime and I will be happy to clarify any questions you may have.

If there is a problem with my student how will I find out?
If there is a problem, depending on the severity of the problem, a not will be sent home or a phone call will be made. If it appears to be necessary a metting will be help between the parents and the teacher.

How can I assure that my students homework makes it back to school?
The best way to ensure that your child's homework makes it back to school is by placing it in the right side oft their folder labeled "completed" in their backpack.

Can I contact you at anytime?
Yes, feel free to contact me at anytime. I will provide you with my email and phone number.

Can my child bring a packed lunch for school?
Yes, students are welcome to bring their own lunch to school.