Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best way for me to contact you?
    The best way to contact me is through email. My email address is     

2. I want to set up a conference. How do I do that?
    I am always available for conferences Monday-Friday from 5pm to 7:30 pm. If
    you need to set up a conference, please email me at least 72 hours in advance
    to ensure that I do not have any prior obligations. If it is an emergency, an
    exception can be made.

3. Are we allowed to send snacks to school for special events, such as birthdays?
If you would like to send snacks for your child's birthday, please let me know in
    advance. Some children in the class may have allergies, or certain diet
    requirements. To ensure that all children can participate, those exceptions    
    must be acknowledged. We will also have a monthly birthday party for    
    all of the children who have a birthday during the given month.

4. I am concerned about my child's grade. What do I need to do?
If your child is at the risk of not passing for the nine weeks, semester, or school
    year I will set up a conference with you. I do understand the concerns. If I do
    not contact you for a conference, and you would still like to make a
    conference, please email me at Refer to
    question two for more information.

5. How do I know the lunch menu for the week?
You can see the lunch menu here.

6. How do I know if there is any announcements I need to be aware of?
    You can visit the announcements page here.

7. How do I know if my child has homework?
    You can visit our classroom homework page here.

8. How do I find the school website?
    You can find the school website here.

9. How do I find the school calendar?
    You can find the school calendar here.

10. How do I change my contact information?
    You can email me your new contact information at, and you will need to update the information with the school.