
Concentrated poverty in our time is not uncommon. In fact, living below the poverty line has become more of a norm than living above it. Child poverty rates in Arkansas are at approximately 26% and rising according to Chasing the Dream, a public media initiative that reports on poverty, jobs and economic opportunities in America.

However, child poverty is not just a number on a line and whether you fall above or below it. It is a lack of food and housing. It is absent or inadequate caregivers. It is insufficient provisions. It is the struggle.

It is the struggle of a child who can't focus because their belly is growling and they have no way to fill it. It is the struggle of a child who didn't sleep well last night because sleeping under the bridge is cold. It is the struggle of a child who couldn't do their homework because they can't afford paper. It is the struggle of a child who is being bullied because their clothes are too small and worn.  

Poverty is the Struggle.    

The following websites can provide you with more information and/or avenues for assistance:

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Arkansas Benefit Finder

Bread for the World

Chasing the Dream

Talk Poverty

Please don't hesistate to reach out to me if there's anything I can do to help!