Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: How can I contact you?

A: The best way to contact me is by email.  My school email is

2.  Q: What is the school's phone number?

A: The school phone number is (870) 910-7823.

3. Q: When do report cards get sent out?

A: Report cards are sent home with your child the middle of October and the end of December. The school will contact you when the time gets closer, so you can be on the lookout for it.

4. Q: How can I become a volunteer at my child's school?

A: Parents can volunteer for my classroom or for the school.  Some of those may include field trips, canned food drive, or holiday parties.  If you would like to help out, send me an email and we will get in touch!

5. Q: Can I eat lunch with my child?

A: Yes, parents can eat lunch with their children, but you must check in with the office first.  You will recieve a vistors tag from the office.

6. Q: Where can I find the lunch menu?

A: The lunch menu will be posted under Annoucements each month.  Click on this link to visit our November lunch menu!

7. Q: Can I bring snacks for my child's birthday?

A: Yes, parents can bring snacks for their child's birthday. However, you will need to email me first, so I can make sure the other students do not have any allergies with the snack you bring.

8. Q How will I be informed about upcoming events?

A: Upcoming events will be posted with the Annoucements tab with the newletters!

9. Q: How often should I check my child's folder?

A: Parents should check their child's folder everyday.  There will either be homework, graded assignments, or announcements.

10. Q: What do I need to do if my child will be picked up by someone else?

A: You will need to either email me or send me a written note giving that person permission to pick up your child.





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