Frequently Asked Questions 

1.) What is the best way to contact you/Ms. Ward?

-You can contact me at

2.) How do I find out what is going in my child's classroom/school?

-If you go to the announcment section on my site, you will see different announments from school and community events to montly newsletters for out class!

3.) Where do I access my child's homework?

-There is a homework section on the main page and even in the parent and student pages.

4.) How can I find out what the school is having for breakfast/lunch?

Lunch Menu

5.) How will my child take their medicine at school?

The child will need to check in the medicine to the office. From there, they will take it to the nurse. When it is time to take their medicine, the nurse will call them down.

6.) How do I find out if the school is closed/delay?

The news will post it and the main page of our website will post it.

7.) What do I do if my child is absent?

Email me to let me know so I can get their assignments together and let the office know.

8.)What is your classroom rules?

Class rules

9.) Are parents allowed to go on field trips?

Yes! I would greatly appreciate the help of parents. I know the kids would enjoy it as well.

10.) How can parents help their child with homework?

I have websites set up on the student and parent pages that would help.