Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I contact you?

My email is

2. Where do I find the classroom rules?

Classroom Rules are located on the Acceptable Use Policy page.

3. My child needs extra help with math. Do you suggest any applications or sites?

On the Students Information page, there is a link for math websites.

4. How will I know what activities are going on this month at school?

There is a calendar posted on the Announcements page. It is updated monthly.

5. How do I contact the school?

The school contact information is located on the School Information page.

6. When are you available for meetings or conferences?

My planning period is from 1:10-2:00pm everyday. If you wish to schedule a conference, please email me.

7. What is your Philosophy of Education?

I have provided a written copy of my Philosophy of Education. I update it frequently. Click here to access it.

8. How do I find out more about my childs homework?

Homework is uploaded to Google classroom weekly. Click on the Homework link to access the latest assignments.

9. How do I find out more information about my childs teacher?

On the Teacher Information page, there is an About Me section.

10. How do I learn more about online safety for my child?

On the AUP page, there is information about online safety with links to websites with tips for online safety.