
Cyberbullying is the act of bullying someone on an online platform. Calling someone names, posting private pictures, making fun of someone, and so many other things can constitute as cyberbullying.

If you think you're being bullied online, please let an adult know. That adult can be anyone you trust to help you. This could be your parents, grandparents, teachers at school, a family friend, etc.

If someone is texting or chatting with you and they begin to bully you in any way, do not respond to them. Immediately tell an adult and let them handle it.

An adult can help you to remove this person from your social media and phone, and they can let someone know that could really help. This could include your teachers, the principal at school, or it could come to involving the police.

Always ask for help if you believe that you are being bullied, online or in person.

Good websites for more information on cyberbullying:
If You're Being Cyberbullied

What Is Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying in Elementary School


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