What is cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is when a child, adolescent, or teenage is tomrmented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrased, and targeted by another person using the internet. Cyberbullying has become very common, and it is affecting a lot of children's/student's lives.
Why is it important to know about?
Cyberbulling is important to know about because by knowing more information on it, when cyberbullying occurs, we can help all children who find themselves on the receiving end. By knowing about cyberbullying, you could be helping a child and preventing suicide. It's important to know about cyberbullying as parents and teachers so that we can talk to our children or students about what it is, why they shouldn't do it, and establish rules on using the internet at all times. In my classroom, cyberbullying or ANY form of bullying is NOT allowed. There will be consequences if your child is caught bullying someone.

If you know someone who is being bullied or cyberbullied, or if your child is being bullied or cyberbullied, please contact me as soon as you can. Below are two links about cyberbullying.

Stop Bullying
Parent Guide to Cyberbullying