Weekly Announcements

Student of The Week

Each week a new student is chosen at random to introduce themselves to the class a little more in depth and to share some of their favorite activities and toys with us as well! This helps me and the student’s peers to understand the individual a little better and also gives them an opportunity to share what is most important to them. This week’s student is Grayson Lenard!

Helping Hands

Friday this week we have our class party to celebrate all the amazing hard work our students have put effort into over the year! During this time I strongly encourage any parent or guardian to join us, whether it is for a couple minutes or a couple hours! The children will be getting together their best work completed throughout the year and will get to share with any guardian that may come and with the class. This is a great way to keep them engaged and encouraged to continue working hard in their academics. I do need a few volunteers if any parents are available at 1:15 to help and a few supplies to be donated. If you have an interest in volunteering or coming or even just have some questions always feel free to contact me!

Field Trip

There is a field trip coming up early next month to the zoo. Just a reminder the field trip costs $15 per student and is needed no later than April 3rd. If there is a financial situation that hinders a student from going, please contact me so we can try and work something out. If for any reason a child does not have an interest in going or can not go, there will be an alternative assignment at school for them to complete during the school day.  If any parents are interested in chaperoning we need 4 more volunteers! It is on Friday, April 5 at 9:30AM to 2PM. There will be places to buy lunch from at the food court or you may bring your own if prefered. Please contact me with any questions or inquiries, I always love to hear from you all!