
Plagiarism is a serious act. It is taking credit for someone else's work. This is unethical and not allowed in my classroom.

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work without their permission or without giving them credit. This is illegal and not allowed. If a document is copyrighted, this means that the work is owned. Credit must be given to the owner, or permission must be received to use the work from the owner.

Plagiarism and copyright are very closely related. Using another's work as your own or without adequate recognition and credit is plagiarism. Be sure to always cite information you find and use in your own writing. Use others’ work to supplement your writing. Do not use others’ work as your own. Create your own work, opinions, and views!

Click the links below to learn more about plagiarism.

What is Plagiarism?

Tips to aviod Plagiarism