Frequently Asked Questions

When does the tardy bell ring?

  • 7:55 a.m.

Why does my child have to wear a mask?

  •       The state of Arkansas mandates the use of masks whild numbers are high. It is for everyone's safety, especially your child's.

Can I eat lunch with my child?

  • Normally yes, but with so many active cases in our region, we are forced to not allow vistors on campus.

What is the best way to reach my teacher?

  • The best way to reach your teacher is through email.

What is the inclement weather policy?

  • We will make all announcements of closings due to inclement weather on our social media account,the local radio station, and the local news station.

What is the school's website address?

What is your sick child policy?

  • In order for your child to return to school they must be fever free for 24 hours.

Are tardies counted as absences?

  • 3 cumulative tardies equals 1 absence

What if my child is struggling?

  • There are resources available on this website under the Parent Information. If further assistance is needed, please email me and we can set up a zoom conference.

Can I send treats to the classroom for my child's birthday?

  • We have a store bought only policy. Please email me ahead of time so that I may let you know of any allergies that might be had in the class.
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