Frequently Asked Questions

1. What school supplies does my child need?
 Before school starts, a list of all school supplies will be send out. I will also send out a personal school list containing more specific items your child will need for this school year.

2. What is the dress code?
Each student is sent home with a handbook during open house. The school dress code can be found in the handbook or on MHHS handbook website found here. MHHS Handbook
3. What do I need to do if my child misses class?
If your child is going to miss school I would appreciate an email before hand so I will know. If you can't get an email to me, a note when the child returns will be fine. If it is because of an appointment I will need a doctors note brought back.

4. How will I know if there is a snow day?
If there is a snow day it will be posted on the school website, there will be a phone call to the number you have listed with the front office, I will send an email and KTLO radio station will announce it also.
 5. What is an "AUP"?

An AUP is an Acceptable Use Policy. I use this in my classroom to set ground rules for behaviors in the classroom and for technology. More information can be found here.

6. What is Digital Citizenship?
Information about Digital Citizenship can be found here.

7. Where can I find information about you(the teacher)?
Information about me can be found in the "About Me" section of the Teacher page. If you would like more information about me, feel free to email me at
8. How can I be more involved with school activities?
There are plenty of opportunities for you to be involved with the school. The school will always post upcoming events will contact information on the school wide calendar. You can also apply to be a parent volunteer at the school. Click here to apply for Parent Volunteer.
9. Am I allowed to come visit my child while they're at school?
During lunch parents are welcome to eat with their child, as long as they stop by the front office and check in. If you wish to come visit your child in the classroom, please email me and let me know. I will let you know what day(s) work best for our class.
10. I have another question. Who should I contact?

If the question is school related you call contact the school at 870.425.1201 Monday-Friday 7-4
If the question is student, teacher, or classroom related feel free to contact me at or call #