Ms. Montoya's Class Rules

1. The Golden Rule: Treat others like you want to be treated.

2. Listen to others when it is one’s turn to speak.

3. Keep our hands and feet to ourselves.

4. Raise your hand when you want to a turn to speak.

5. Give your best work!

 Technology Contract:

 1. Handle the iPad or MacBook with lots of love and care.

2. 30 minutes is to be spent on the iPad or MacBook, but with Ms. Montoya’s permission this may change due to class projects.

 3. Wipe down the iPad, MacBook, and/or headphones down when finished using.

 4. Remember to return iPad or MacBook safely to charging station when finish.

5. Be focus on the purpose of learning when using the iPad or MacBook.

 Internet Contract:

1. Only use apps and websites approved by the teacher.

2. Follow the Golden Rule while online as well. No cyberbullying.

3. Keep personal information (including passwords) to yourself.

 4. Ask the teacher permission before taking a picture and recording a video.

5. Tell Ms. Montoya if any message or media pops up that makes you feel uncomfortable.


1. Ask 4 questions:

- What are you doing?

- What are you supposed to be doing?

- Are you doing it?

- What are you going to do about it?

2. Warning: An opportunity to turn behavior around

3. Privileges lost (technology or free time taken away)

4. Contact Parent

5. Write up to the office