Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is lunch time?

A: 11:45

Q: Where can I find the homework assignments?

A: They are available here.

Q: What is the best way to contact you?

A: The best way is through email

Q: When is your conference period?

A: Conference period is anytime after 7:30 and before 8:00 am and 11:45 to 12:00.

Q: How can I help my child at home?

A: Read books to them, there are also helfpul sites listed on the Homework page.

Q: What is the Grading Scale:

A: A:100% - 90% B: 89% - 80% C: 79%-70% D:69%- 60% F: 59% - 0%

Q: Can I have lunch with my child?

A: Yes, just check in at the office. Lunch time is 11:15 to 11:45.

Q: What are your classroom policies?

A: Visit the AUP Page.

Q: Where are some homework sites that my child can visit?

A: Check on the Helpful Sites page.

Q: Is there a way that I can keep up with the updates ?

A: I will update this site weekly as well as send Reminds!

Text Strickland to 521776!





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