1. What is the best way to contact Ms. Reid?

-We are using Remind 101 for communication! You can also email me at claire.reid@smail.astate.edu

2. Where can I find classroom announcements?

-I will post announcements on the announcements page as soon as I receive them! A link to this page can be found here.

3. Can I eat lunch with my child?

-Yes! We welcome parents to eat lunch. Just make sure you check into the office first!

4. How can I find out if school is cancelled?

-An email will be send by the principal! You can also check our school's Facebook page and I will send an announcements through Remind 101!

5. What is the current lunch menu?

-The lunch menu can be found here!

6. What should I do if my child is absent?

-I understand emergencies come up and kids get sick! If your child is absent, please contact the school office. All homework assignments will be posted on my website with the due date. I will also have a homework folder with the day's assignments for your child to take home when they return. Feel free to contact me through Remind 101 for specific questions.

7. How will my child take their medicine at school?

-All medicine must be checked in through the office. The school nurse will handle dispensing ypur child's medication.

8. What is flexible seating?

-You can find my philsophy on the topic, as well as helpful websites, here!

9. What if my child has a doctor's appointment during school hours?

-You may check your child out via the office, if needed. Please return to school with a doctor's excuse so that the absences will not count against your child's attendance!

10. When is school open?

-7 am- 3:10 am!

11. What if I cannot pick my child up until after work?

-Aftercare is provided for parents who cannot pick their child up until after work. It is from 3:20-5:30pm. If your child needs to attend aftercare, please notify me and the office. Aftercare fees can be handled through the office.

12. Can I send birthday snacks to school with my child?

-Absolutely! We love birthdays! Please let me know the day before, if possible. Just let me know if you'd like to attend as well!