Copyright & Fair Use

Classroom Rules

·      Be respectful of the IPads as if they are yours at home.

·      Keep all food and drink away from the IPads during use.

·      IPads are only to be used for educational purposes and only when the teacher allows.

·      Wipe down and plug in the IPads to charge at the end of the day.

·      Phones are to be put away at all times unless otherwise directed by your teacher.

·      No cyberbullying of any kind will be tolerated.

·       If something inappropriate pops up, do not click on it. Exit out of what you are doing and notify the teacher.

·      Only use websites or programs you have been given permission to use by your teacher.

·       No YouTube unless logged in on your school account or email.

·      If you have extra time while we are using the IPads, ask your teacher if you can do something else on them.


Plagiarism will not be tolerated at all in this classroom. For more information on plagiarism, copyright, or fair use, please see links below.