Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact you? You may email me at

When can I see report cards? I will send out report cards at the end of each of the four nine week periods.

How can I be involved in the classroom? I would love to have parents involved in the classroom and in their child's education! I will be sending out information for various opportunities to do so, during the school year. Of course, you can email me with any specific questions you may have!

What does the schedule look like? The tardy bell rings at 8:00 AM and school dismisses at 3:10 PM.

What are your views on education? You can view my Philosophy of Education and Special Education by clicking on the links provided.

Do you need any classroom supplies? I do not require that you send any supplies with your child. However, I am always in need of tissues, germ-x, clorox wipes and wooden pencils.

When and how can I set up a meeting with you? You can set up a meeting at any point during the school year by emailing or contacting me via phone.

What do I need to do if my child has a food allergy? I send out a parent form at the beginning of the year that will have various questions regarding allergies and medications.

How can I stay in the loop of school/community events? Linked on the annoucements page is a page of community and school events.

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