Digital Etiquette
Using appropriate language and actions on-line. Students should know what to do and what not to do when using technology, this also includes what to do and not to do to others while using technology. There should be rules set in place about what is appropriate to say on-line to others.

For example, I have the rule that states there will be no cyberbullying, or the use of bullying on-line. I find that Roger is saying that Penny's pigtails look ugly today over a chat box in one of their assignments. Immediately Roger's computer privilege is taken away for that day and has to talk to me about why he said that, he must also apologize to Penny. This is not how to use etiquette online, this is the complete opposite. Roger should have known better and will not get to use the computer until he can show me how he is supposed to behave while using technology.


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