Technology Integration

Technology is a fun, innovative way to enhance student learning. As the world is becoming more technologically advanced, our classrooms and students should become advanced with it. The hands-on learning involved with technology will improve student learning and give them creative, unique ways to understand curriculum while also having fun. I find this as a priority for my student. One hands on way to do this, is through using online tools. Online tools are websites that allow users to simply add information and enhance it in ways that benefit them. Padlet, for example is an online tool that we will use this school year.

To learn more about the importance of technology intergration, please view Board 1

Board 2

This padlet that I created contains things that students will need in order to complete a math lesson.

Padlet Lesson Plan (Math)


I have also spent time evaluating educational apps for students and planning ways to use them in my classroom. Feel free to view them here!