At Home AUP

Hello parents/guardians,

          I just wanted to take the time to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to teach your child this year. As a teacher with multiple children to watch at once, I wanted to make sure that every child was aware of what was to be expected of them in the classroom and while on the internet. Having policies in the classroom and for internet use while at school is the best way to protect children from the dangers of the internet and for them to learn to use technology in a beneficial way. An AUP is an easy way to make a contract with your child to set rules and limits for their internet and technology usage. It involves laying out the rules for not only usage, but also things that they can and cannot do while on the internet or using a computer/ iPad. If you would like, it would be beneficial for you at home to set rules and limits with internet and technology.

          It is super easy to make an AUP at home. I will attach a template to help get you started or you can make one up all on your own. An AUP just needs to let them know the rules that you have set for them, and it is an easy way to remind them of what you expect from them. Having your child and you sign it makes it personal to them and you which makes it more likely for them to follow.  I hope you choose to make an AUP, and it helps you with monitoring your child on the web. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me!

Thank you,

Ashton Herekamp

Click here to view the template!